Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Simply Brownies Update

Well!  Everything seems to be coming along nicely!  My wonderful boyfriend is working hard on getting the website ready and we're planning a photo shoot this weekend - which will mean lots of brownie baking!

I've decided to keep it simple initially on the brownie flavours, just 4 to start off with, and possibly a monthly special. 
We'll see how that goes and take it from there.

I discovered some 94% cocoa solids chocolate in Tesco last week and am very excited to try that out, I suspect it will be delicious!  The thing with brownies, is that they have such a high sugar content (this is what makes them so deliciously fudgey...and very naughty!) that only chocolate with a very high cocoa content is strong enough.  I usually use Green & Blacks Organic 72% chocolate, so this new stuff should be a great chocolate hit!

I tried out some blondies last week, I got the recipe from Sainsburys and although delicious, I always thought blondies were made with white chocolate rather than dark, and did think that these came out a bit "cakey", rather than fudgey.  Having said that, they really were yummy!  I might do some research into new blondie recipes though, when I have the time!

So, we're still on track for "going live" on 1st January 2011, just in time to combat those post-Christmas blues - what could be better than a chocolate brownie to cheer you up! 
Again, I'd like to ask anyone who's been lucky enough to receive a box of brownies as a birthday present this year, to go to my website and leave some feedback, as any suggestions are always very welcome!

With that in mind, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me by email: sales@simplybrownies.co.uk

Vanilla Cranberry Blondies

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

In the beginning...

Simply Brownies is the name of my business, and chocolate brownies is the game!

I will be baking truly deliciously gooey and fudgey chocolate brownies from the comfort of my own Wiltshire kitchen and selling them online.

The idea is that they will be an alternative to sending the bog-standard flowers or chocolates to say "Happy Birthday", "Congratulations", "Get Well Soon" (who wouldn't get better at the thought of eating a box of brownies?!), "I love you", "I'm Sorry"...

There are plenty of companies who offer cupcakes and the like via the internet, but their aren't that many brownie retailers.

I've been working on perfecting my top-secret brownie recipe over the last few months, and am just about there with the basic brownie, but I want to offer alternative flavours, like orange, chilli, perhaps even mint!  If you have any flavour suggestions, please let me know and I'll get experimenting!

Initially I'll be working on this part-time, but with any luck it will be big and I'll be able to afford to devote more time to it.

Anyway, watch this space for updates on when brownies will be available online,the website is in the construction stages and I'm hoping to be up and running by the end of the year!